April 1st 2021 Price Increase
During the past year Wazoodle has been challenged by ever increasing costs of raw materials and manufacturing. As a result we are constrained to increase the prices of all the fabrics.
It was a year ago in March 2020 when the Covid crisis was recognized and suddenly we found ourselves in the middle of a battle to remain open navigating Government mandated lockdowns while striving to continue supplying fabrics and guidance for making reusable PPEs and products. When Pennsylvania went into lockdown we had to move operations to other states and deal with multiple raw material shortages as we struggled to procure the fibers needed to make more fabrics. In 2020 we were committed to not increasing prices and we bore the increased costs without increasing prices as we understood the difficult situation.
The price increase in 2021 is fueled by the increasing cost of all fibers as well as petroleum products leading to
- Increase in the costs of the polyester yarn & dyes / chemicals
- Increase in packaging costs
- Increase in the transportation costs
- Increase in cotton yarn prices
The costs of cotton, polyester and bamboo yarns have increased substantially, the market is volatile and prices keep increasing every week. Organic cotton and bamboo yarns are in short supply globally, and it is expected that the prices will continue to increase. Our Texas Organic Cotton contact said “Our 2020 crop was drastically reduced by drought and other weather events and we are extremely short of fiber.”
To soften the impact of the price increases, the price increase will be implemented in two stages. Effective April 1st, 2021 there will be a partial increase on the prices of fabrics. Effective June 1st there will be a second increase in prices.
Wazoodle Fabrics is dedicated to providing sustainable, high performing products and is committed to continue to maintain the high quality for which our products are known.
Please stay tuned for further updates. We will continue to keep you in the loop for further developments. We value our customers and very sincerely appreciate the business you entrust to us.
Thank you for your continued support.